Healing Touch of Reiki

The healing touch of Reiki

Meaning- Reiki is the simplest form of healing the mind, body and spirit. In short, it can be termed as “God’s love and invaluable gift to the human kind which is completely unconditional and demands neither of the giver nor of the receiver”. Many reiki practitioners believe that through regular practice with faith on can heal oneself through mental affirmations i.e.” The mental cause of physical illness and metaphysical ways to overcome it.” In this system, positive attitude is the must! It is worthwhile to mention that myths and pre-conceived notions that “Reiki is used only to cure diseases” are not correct. Rather, Reiki is a technique which can heal anyone in any situation.
Rei-means “Spirit” or “Soul” and Ki- means “Energy” and is originally connected to a sense of air or atmosphere which pervades and surrounds the universe.

1. The Art of Reiki

What is Holistic Medicine?
The adjective “holistic” is derived from the ancient Greek word “holos” which means “whole”. Interest in the holistic approach to medicine was revived in the early 1970s. The idea of holism and the word itself were first introduced by the South African Statesmen and biologist Mr. Jan Christian Smuts in his book entitled HOLISM and EVOLUTION as early as in 1926. To smuts, holism was a way of viewing and describing living things including people, as entities greater than and different from the sum of their parts.

Holistic medicine is also an alternative to a scientific approach that attempts to understand all phenomena including human beings by reducing them to their most basic biological processes. A good number of people who matter, feel that the focus of modern Western medicine is too impersonal and narrow; that many doctors tend to view their patients as biological machines rather than human beings.

Holistic medicine doesn’t neglect the need for swift and sophisticated medical or surgical action, but does emphasize health promotion and patient education. It respects the capacity people have for healing themselves and regards them as active partners in health care, rather than passive recipients. Apart from relying on modern technology and medicines, whenever necessary, holistic medicine welcomes all the techniques that have been developed in other cultures and at other times. Thus, it makes use of a variety of therapeutic approaches. These approaches have sometimes been described as “Alternative” or “Complementary” Medicine (e.g.: Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Acupuncture, etc)

2. The Holistic Approach to medicine includes:

a. Humanistic medicine, which emphasizes the relationship between physicians and patients, and the psychological and spiritual development of both the patient and physician,
b. Psychosomatic medicine, which is concerned with the interdependence and mutual influence of psychological and ph
ysical factors, and
c. Behavioral medicine, which stresses the psychological and social causes and effects of illness.
Holism has always been vital to healing, and some of the history’s most gifted physicians have embraced holistic beliefs. The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates , writing in the 5th century B.C. emphasized the environmental causes, the importance of emotional factors and nutrition, health and disease.
A holistic physician is someone who promotes well-being through educational means and encourages self-care. He treats illness with a holistic approach .

What Reiki is

The word Reiki means Universal Life force. It is defined as that power which acts and lives in all created matter. The word reiki consists of two parts REI and KI which is already described earlier.

Everyone is born with Reiki for it is the energy of life itself.

What Reiki is not

Reiki is not a religion, as it holds no creed or doctrine. It has nothing to do with spiritualism or the occult in any shape or form. It has nothing to do with the invoking of ghosts or demons or evil spirits, nor is it concerned with hypnosis or any other psychological phenomena. To practice Reiki, no special kind of faith is required. In this method of treatment, only natural but concentrated form of cosmic energy is utilized.

History of Reiki

Throughout the history of mankind, healing methods have always existed which were based on the transfer of universal, all pervading, life energy, the same energy which brings forth all life in the universe and nourishes it. Even thousands of years ago, the Tibetans had a deep understanding of the nature of spirit, energy and matter. They used this knowledge to heat their bodies, harmonize their souls and lead their spirit to experience of unity

This knowledge was guarded and preserved by the mystery school of most ancient cultures and was available in its entirety only to very few people, usually priests or spiritual leaders who in turn passed it on to their disciples by word of mouth. The knowledge of Reiki would have remained hidden forever had not Dr. Mikao Usui rediscovered the key which led to the recovery of a thousand-year old tradition of healing in 2500-year-old Sanskrit Sutras at the end of 19th century.

How is Reiki Learnt

The key to Reiki is its simplicity. The real difference is in the Attunement (also known as initiation) Process, which the student experiences in the various levels of Reiki classes.

During the first degree seminar (approx. 16-20 hours, spread over a period of two days), a series of four attunements are given by Traditional Reiki Master. In this process, certain energy centers, also known as Chakras, are opened to enable the person to channel (and vibrate) higher amount of Universal Life Force Energy.

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