Five Steps to protect your BRAIN and BODY!
Five Steps to protect your brain and body


Having a pet has been shown to make you happier, more attractive to women, keep you fit and increase your life span. Researchers in the UK examined the health status of adults after they acquired a dog or a cat. They experienced a “highly significant reduction in minor health problems.” Reason: the pets’ insatiable love for walks forced their owners to abandon their couches and it really makes a person happy playing with pets. The university of Minneapolis states having any sort of per can cut your risk of heart attack or stroke by 30%. So why not install an aquarium? The University of Pennsylvania found that blood pressure plunges after 20 minutes of aquatic viewing.


Dust off your visitor spikes (or pick a set up of golf clubs), because new research has found that every man’s favorite walk to spoil a walk can protect their brain. According to John Hopkins Medical School, Maryland, being over your optimal weight can increase the risk of mental deterioration by 42%, dementia by 73% and Alzheimer’s by 80%. The American college of Sports Medicine calculates that a round of golf twice a week is enough to lose 2kg in 3 months, while the fresh air will help keep your memory intact for longer. “If you can’t hit the golf course for some reason, try jogging or walking in the morning”


A survey by Unisys, a global technology service and security firm, found that 86% of respondents are worried about unauthorized access to their personal information. Phishing is the latest high-tech fraud and it uses spam or pop-ups to deceive you into disclosing your bank info or details, passwords or other sensitive information. Storing your sensitive info on a thumbprint memory stick will keep it safe from artful online dodgers- and the “password” is always on hand.
Thumb rule:
1) Delete messages you think look suspicious right away.
2) Always look for “https” in your internet browser instead “http” cz if it’s got “s” you could be secure.
3) Always double check your internet browser and address typed there and put your password and confidential information only when you are sure of it because some phishing sites create the same display page like original but these pages are being headed to their personal server address. (For e.g. If the page is displayed of hotmail, don’t forget to check the browser as
4) Commit your password to memory not to any guy who claims to provide you “account maintenance” services


Injuries were a lot more outdoorsy. Whereas we once suffered from athlete’s foot and tennis elbow, hunching over tiny screens has left us with painful bad backs. Nearly half of notebook users interviewed report some form of postural discomfort, with 85% of them complaining of back-related pain. Also, the State University of New York found sitting with the laptop increases scrotum temperature, therefore hindering sperm production. Free yourself from your portable torture by using a stand to see straight wherever you sit and stop your spine (and your sperm) from logging out. And if you are too lazy to find a stand, keep your chair at the right height, let your wrists rest on the desk, let your feet sit flat on the floor, keep your shoulders and back relaxed…and take regular breaks away from your PC.


Staying in shape means just that, not swelling into that shape. Recent research suggests women like their guys ripped, not ripping out of their shirts. In a survey by UCLA professor David Freidrick, brawny or larger-built men were considered volatile by the girls, while toned, athletic guys were rate the most attractive and sexually desirable. Your six-pack is the sure-fire showcase of your muscle tone. If you choose boxing as your fitness tool, spend 20 minutes shadow boxing daily. If you are a gym regular, try some bad work. It burns more calories that most other forms of cardio and strengthens your core. An hour and a half of shadow boxing and bad work a week can burn between 700-800 calories.

[Source: Men's health Journal]
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