Body language
Well...what actually is body language? All of us, at some time, have seen someone talking on the phone without hearing one word of what is being said. All we can see is a constant stream of different gestures like smiles, frowns, raised eyebrows, nods, shakes, etc. We may wonder at the use of such gestures as the listener on the other end can't see the gestures indeed. The easiest reason to explain it is that we would have to concentrate eral hard to not gesture or our life is null without gestures or simply body language. Expressions and gestures are so intermingled and interrelated with our words, that it would be a tough task to try and separate the words and gestures. Through the range of facial expressions and gesticulations, we can get clues on what is being communicated on the phone, even though we can't head the words being spoken.
There are times, when one not knowing the other person too well and after a phone conversation on a delicate subject with them, have felt an indefinable impression of unease and wonder what was being said between the lines. This shows that we are quite dependent on reading a person's face and body language to grasp what is being said.
Has there been some person whom you meet and took an instant dislike towards? its somewhat be face alergy. You dont know the reason why but you just take an instant dislike towards them. When it comes to first impression and the 'gut feeling' you get about someone, most of us seem a little hesitant to follow out instincts when its negative. May be its human nature to want to give the person the benefit of doubt, to believe in the good in people, even its unseen to us.
Studies have shown that quite often that 'gut feeling' is our subconsious mind making a decision about trusting someone on the basis of the nonverbal cues we are picking up. On a conscious level, we might like what we see or what we hear but on a deeper level we are aware that the person's apprent physical and verbal message contradicts what their body language is saying. We have all experienced instances when we hear a spoken message but we can feel that the speaker is communicating unmistakable that he's conbeying a totally different message. There are times when someone says something that sounds really awful but says it with a wink and you do not feel the sting in it. A flattering message spoken with a grimace doen't seem like a compliment to the recipient. When a person is scolding another person, with twinkling eyes and smile, it gives the impression that the person is just kidding or isn't seriously tempered.The majority of the time that we spend conversing with someone, we observe their facial expression. We are in constant close contact not only with the flow of the spoken dialogue but also the body language that accompanies the words being spoken. We are almost utterly unconscious how many extra clues we pick up from the expressions and gestures of the speaker’s body to the meanings and feelings about what he is saying. Quite often, visual clues merely help to highlight words. The widening and lighting of eyes, the raising of eyebrows at vital moments, tipping the head, arm and head movements and gestures, etc. all provide an important kind of ‘ punctuation ‘ that we are not consciously aware of. We keep absorbing and assimilating such subconscious clues all the time. It happens more often than we are aware that these ‘ extra-linguistic ‘ clues are what put us on the right track in comprehending what is being communicated through the words.Our expressions are gestures particularly comes handy when we are in a foreign land and unfortunately do not have idea of their languages. We have all at different times being able to convey our meaning to the other person simply through gesturing and watching each other’s expressions. The gestures and expressions generally seem like having a language of their own. Interestingly, they synchronize with the spoken words in a very close manner. Gestures and expressions have their own syntax which closely matches the syntax of the words. Though a different language may have an entirely distinct set of gestures, still these ‘punctuations’ are liable to be very similar in all societies

The language of Body
When one expresses his/her feelings, it has been said that:
55% of the communication consists of body language.
38% is expressed through tone of voice, and only,
7% is communicated through words.
This means that we express most of our feelings (93%) in a non-verbal way and our words only convey 7% of what we are saying.
Comparatively speaking, why is the role of body language so large?
First of all, we need to realize that we do not keep talking constantly. But we do give out incessant signals through our body, when in someone’s company. It’s also helpful to look at the various levels on which we communicate. Most of the time, we communicate with each other on the content level and the relational level at the same time. We put across the content of the message through words and the relation through our body language.
When we are talking with other people, we talk about something, someone, some topic etc. We would like to clarify or make something clear to the other person about a specific subject. This is the content of the conversation. At the content level, we tell or portray to the other person what the message is all about. Usually, it is very easy to express the content of a message through the use of spoken language or commonly understood gestures. Due to the fact that the meaning of words, figures or signals that we use have been agreed to unilaterally, its form of expression doesn’t need to bear any resemblance with what is denoted. The word ‘clock’ for example has nothing to do with time. To understand the other person, you need to speak his language. When the words or signals that we use to put across out message do not bear any similarity to what they denote, it is called digital language.
Content and relation:
When we are communicating with other people, we can send messages on a content level and on a relational level. When one is communicating in a content level, Its about transmitting concrete and substantial information. On a relational level, it is about how a message should be interpreted and about how the relationship is between the people concerned. A message is often transmitted on a content level and on a relational level simultaneously. For example, a person can say: “Oh my goodness, you look like a million dollars!”
On a content level, a comment is made about the person looking good. On a relational level the particular sentence can have different meanings, for example
What a nice dress!
You have paid way too much for that dress.
You are looking very good.
I am jealous that you have so much money to spend on you and your clothes.
I too would like to look like you
That dress looks expensive, but I actually think its really ugly.
Relation Level
Through our communication, its not only the content that has to be communicated. Along with our words, we also pass on signals that indicate how we perceive the other person, as well as how the message should be interpreted by him/her. At the relational level, we articulate how we are related to the receiver of the message and what the message means. Therefore, for the conveying of feelings and relations, digital language is not quite adequate. What exactly it is that we imply by our words is not simple to express only through our words. It is also very difficult to make clear our feelings about another person. Words for example can come across a lot tougher that they are meant to.
Therefore, to make our feelings and intentions clear, we prefer to make the use of an expressive language. In this manner, what we express can be established in the gesture or signal itself, without having to learn this or having to agree on it especially. For example, the gesture of pointing at your watch has something to do with time. Apart from seeing what time it is on a watch, we can use it to give a signal that can be understood by everyone, without having to agree on it. This is called analogue language. ( To be continued )
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